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Magical Moon Phases

She is always there waiting for you to work with her you just need to reach out.

The moon has held our fascination throughout all of written history. She is so incredibly beautiful it makes regular people stop, stare, and grab their cell phones for a photo op (which does not come out, of course). She is magical and mysterious and even inspired humans to blast off into space just to get a closer look.

Her raw power moves oceans of water, influencing tides, people, and yes… magick. It's the last that gives us witchy women so much joy! Her power to influence situations is even getting the more mainstream people involved as they write their intentions down in hopes of manifesting with the cycle of her greatness.

Whether you are just beginning a witchy practice or just want to better understand the cycles of the moon and how to use them for your benefit, these 4 simple phases are key. They do differ from the quarter moons, which we can discuss later, as I feel that gets too complex when you are just starting out.

Magical Moon Phases


During a Dark Moon, little or no moon can be seen, usually the night of what is called the New Moon, but it can be the night before. The Dark Moon is a liminal phase where there is no actual illumination on the moon because it sits between the waxing and waning moons. So, many times, the actual New Moon falls on the day after the date you find on your calendars.


Well, that brings on a whole other energy… a time to do other magick than that of the New Moon.

Banishing and shadow work are great for the Dark Moon. The goddess Hecate is deeply tied to the Dark Moon, so any work that calls to her would be perfect, as well as any crossroads or Underworld deities. Spirit magick and ancestral work are great for the Dark Moon. You also might want to pull out your divination tools to consecrate or cleanse them or simply use them because the timing is optimal.


New Moon energy is new, fresh and a time of great hope. The energy occurs up to 3 days after the moon is illuminated. New moon to full, people are getting into setting their intentions because it is the perfect time to plant the seeds you will grow through the moon cycle. This can be for anything positive - money, love, success, communication, healing or good health.

You can only reap what you sow, so plant those seeds baby!


The full moon is a great time to celebrate!

If your intentions were manifested in one moon cycle, then bring out the wine because the full moon is about giving thanks for your bounty. It is also a great time to gather your tribe (esbats anyone?) and do ritual work.

If your intentions have not been manifested, you should recommit yourself to these intentions at this time. It is also a free-for-all… any kind of magick can be done during the full moon, like seriously, any. The power of the full moon lasts up to 3 days on either side, so you have plenty of time to also give all your crystals a bath under the beautiful moon light to reenergize them.

Tune into it and go with what you feel is right.


The time from Full Moon to Dark Moon is referred to as the Waning Moon, and is the best time to do spellwork for things you want to release.

Buh-Bye. See you later. Adios.

Like what, you ask?

Old habits. Old relationships and addictions. Whatever kind of magick that supports things you want to decrease… stop gossip, pesky co-workers from being in your business, stop a cheating boyfriend, etc.

Nobody needs that negative energy in their life! 

Moon Rituals

Personally, I like to have ritual at the New Moon and Full Moon. Even though it isn't as thorough or extravagant as when I was in a coven, it is something simple and sweet that speaks to me.

You can utilize the moon energy the best way you see fit. Whether it be for setting intentions or spellwork or full out ritual, it is the intention that matters.

The choice is yours!
She is always there waiting for you to work with her you just need to reach out.

AUTHOR:  Kim Galliher is an OSYL Spiritual Diva, Intuitive Medium, Energy Healer and Maker of Magick. Her purpose is to empower you, by helping you see the choices available to you and by creating strong magical tools that are available for you to manifest your intentions with passion.

Find out more about Kim and her services HERE.