Our Sight Your Light

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I am a Wayshower.

I am a “Wayshower”…

I’ve been thinking a lot about Our Sight Your Light. I started this journey almost 5 years ago. I knew in my soul that I was meant to collaborate with others. I understood that I was not meant to shine the spotlight on just myself, but I was guided to help others share their love, light, and healing with the world. I felt it deep in my core - LEO South Node and AQUARIUS North Node, I get it…

When we launched this business, I had so many hopes and expectations, and many of them have since been dashed or forgotten. I’ve often questioned whether or not I should keep going. I’ve asked myself, “Are the time and dollar investment worth it? Why aren’t you more successful? Why isn’t this ‘business’ where it should be by now?” 

Yes, I’ve harshly compared myself to others. I’ve let myself down by perceived failures.

I’ve wanted to quit many times. 

But, here’s the thing; Spirit always leads me back here. Always. Any time I want to quit, I am shown yet one more reason not to. What I channeled this morning will help you understand what I mean. 

Transcript of my session:

“I connected and I immediately see a little girl. She is on the ground, at her mother’s feet. I notice the sandals and I know this is a time way before now. The mother is clearly some sort of Queen. I see her beautiful face and I “know” her -  I feel emotion rise to my throat. She has black hair, a small nose, and a gold band around her forehead. I see the little girl is cuddling her legs. I look closely and I see my eyes in this little girl. I watch as the mother is anointing me with some liquid. I watch as a tear rolls down her fearless face as she blesses my forehead and I hear her say some ancient words. 

She tells me her time is short here on earth and I see her psychic vision of being taken from me - very traumatically. I hear that she knows too much and is too powerful. I see a strange symbol and I watch as she draws it on my forehead. It starts to glow as she draws it. My little hand touches my forehead because at first, it burns, but then I can “see”. 

I “see” my mother in that lifetime being taken away in shackles by a cowardly male who knows she is more powerful than he will ever be. He must lock her away, so he can rule the land. I see that when this event happens I'm already hidden away with an old grandmother Crone figure. I was taken far from the dry desert to some fertile wooded land far away, where I can grow free and carry her powers with me. I am meant to pass them on (powers), in that lifetime and beyond. 

Time speeds up and I now see the little girl all grown up, as an 18 or 19-year-old with a crown of flowers on her head and I hear, wild and free. I don't “remember” my mother at this point in my life, but I see her all the time in visions. And on this particular day, she tells me something very important. 

I hear her say that it's time for me to step into my power. She tells me that my ONLY goal in this lifetime, and in each one thereafter, is to LEAD and SHINE the Light.

She tells me that I don't have to tell people what to do in the LIGHT, just to hold it high enough and burn it bright enough for them to see - that's it. 

I hear clearly that, my mother and my Soul have no other desire or expectation of me -

Just burn brightly and be the Wayshower. Lead others to the path and let them go. Each one will find their own way once the light is illuminated - once it's turned on. 

Once it's turned on, the light will burn so brightly, with your words, your actions, and your guidance - it is enough and it will help them.

You're not a Sage, you're not a Guru or a Prophet. You’re a Wayshower - Like the modern-day lighthouse.

People will look to you to find their way, but they will always need to drive their own ship, darling. 

I watch as a spark falls from the vision and it lands on the ground next to my feet. Perhaps a stone or a jewel? I can't tell, but I pick it up and hold it tightly to my chest. 

The vision fades and my Spirit Guides remind me of my “Job”.

I'm here to light the way. Period. How you, the reader, decide to practice in this lifetime is entirely up to you - the message, the modality, the words, the symbols, and the tools that you choose are not of my concern. 

This is YOUR ship to drive. Just stay in the light, and you too will find your way. 

And me? Once again I am reminded why I don’t quit. Why I don’t just throw in the towel and choose an easier more self-serving way. 

I know my job.

Just keep the light on Laurie.

Burn Brightly.

Don’t Dim your light, no matter what.

Don’t shroud your light out of fear of being judged, singled out, told that you are TOO MUCH or NOT ENOUGH.

No, none of that matters. Just keep the light burning brightly so others will find their way to the path. 

And that is what the Soul’s Voice Newsletter, Network, Seekers group, etc is all about. We shine the light so that the SEEKERS can find their OWN path and walk it. So they make their way HOME, to SOURCE, to their CREATOR, to GOD, SPIRIT, and their HEART CENTER. 

YOU, my friends, are the Captain of your ship.

We are the light to guide you along your journey. 

All is well in our world.

Laurie Elle


Click HERE to get your free CLOSER TO JOY VIDEO SERIES. I’m looking forward to getting there with you...to your BEST LIFE EVER!

AUTHOR:  Laurie-Elle is a Wayshower - someone that helps YOU find the way to and on YOUR individual life path.

Laurie is a Higher Self Messenger, Intuitive Energy Healer & Guide, Akashic Records Channel & Reiki Master. She helps you listen to the whispers, cues, and even the roar of the Universe. Laurie shares the information that can lead you to more joy, abundance, and a greater sense of peace in your life.

Find out more about Laurie and her services HERE.