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Learn about the Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra

The Sacral is our energy center where our personal passion for life is stored. In this center, all of our relationships, external to ourselves, are expressed. It's in this Chakra that all the passion a person has for life originates; passion for their career, their interests, the roles they play in life (mother, daughter, sister, friend, lover, employee, etc..), and the interpretation of love they receive from others - platonic or romantic.

This is the center where we experience balance or imbalance in sexual relationships, in how we express and receive love for our children or others, or in how we experience and express ourselves in our hobbies, interests, and career.

When this Chakra center is balanced, we can have beautiful and harmonious relationships in our romantic life, as well as in friendships and our careers. Sexually we are balanced. Remaining monogamous is a non-issue; we are often able to express a healthy balance between lust and passion as well as emotional maturity and responsibility.

We have healthy boundaries with others, and we generally appear “stable and sane,” when it comes to relationships and our career goals. We understand the need for fun and pleasure in life, and we are able to balance that with a healthy commitment to responsibility and work.

As a rule of thumb, people with a balanced sacral chakra don't regularly experience extremes when it comes to addictive substances. They are often able to find a balance between healthy choices and the occasional indulgence. I see a balanced Sacral Chakra as a beautiful and vibrant orange color, with a yellow center. The yellow appears as the center of a burning flame.

When someone has a blocked or underactive Sacral Chakra, I see this center almost as grey in color, like a barren wasteland or an empty desert. The accompanying feeling of “emptiness” that lives in this blocked Chakra is often reflected outward in the form of projection to the most important relationships in our lives.

When our Sacral Chakra is blocked, we may find intimacy and the expression of our feelings to be difficult.

Repression of feelings and emotions is common, including having trouble expressing joy about the beautiful things in life...everything from the delicious taste of a decadent meal to the deep love and passion we feel for another. Oftentimes, it appears that someone with an underactive or blocked Sacral Chakra simply “cannot” feel at a deep level.

Click here to download your FREE Sacral Chakra Meditation TODAY!

This repression or “closure” in this Chakra is manifested in many ways: “cold” behavior, difficulty expressing love in relationships and friendships, difficulty expressing thanks for the kindness of others, isolation, narcissism, scolding and blaming others for perceived imperfections or controversy, domineering behavior, stubbornness and an overall sense of shallowness.” 

Someone with a blocked off, “grey” Sacral Chakra most often is overly regimented and finds it very difficult to let loose and just enjoy the pleasures of life.

A few of the adjectives that we often see used to describe someone with this Sacral Chakra blockage are workaholic, overachiever, cold-hearted, controlling or control freak, hard to love.

Women with “closed” Sacral Chakras have trouble getting pregnant or may have ‘female’ troubles. They often have a difficult time expressing themselves sexually and or are very uncomfortable with their bodies. 

Men who have closed sacral Chakras may seem detached in intimate relationships and during sex. Sometimes they can be overly promiscuous or careless about their sex partners because sex is just an act of immediate selfish pleasure versus an intimate, connected relationship.

When someone has an overactive Sacral Chakra, I see this center as almost blood orange, and it’s expanded beyond a “natural state.” It appears more like the shape of an amoeba than a flowing circular dial. An overactive Sacral Chakra is often expressed as a need for more; more love, more attention, more drama, more sex, more food, more drugs, more thanks, more - more - more. It's almost like, no matter what kind of pleasure it receives, it is not enough.

This overactive center is “SO HOT” it burns up the love as soon as it enters this space, so it always appears to be seeking more.

Someone with this type of center is very prone to addictive behavior, to be a willing partner in dramatic and unstable relationships, of being co-dependent, of never feeling complete satisfaction in anything they do, of seeing love as a possession and or a necessity. Jealousy and envy live here, expressed as always wanting more or something you don't already have or possess.

A few of the adjectives that we often see used to describe someone with an overactive Sacral Chakra are addict, overly dramatic, a hot mess, a martyr, never satisfied, a giver, unorganized, the opposite of regimented, messy, hopeless romantic, co-dependent.

A woman with an overactive chakra can also have menstrual issues, as in a heavy or painful flow of their period. Additionally, they can also be promiscuous or always want sex, not just for pleasure, but as a measure of their desirability and worthiness in relation to others. The same for men, but this can be more often expressed as a total obsession with one woman; wanting her, needing her, missing her when she’s not with him, thinking that he couldn’t live without her…represented by the phrase, “you complete me.”

Someone with an imbalanced Sacral Chakra can actually outwardly express a combination of the two descriptions above. They might seem like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde! Someone with a combination of a blocked and overactive Sacral Chakra can be both the most endearing person you’ll ever meet, but at the same time, incredibly hard to love.”

Are you ready to care for & nurture your Sacral Chakra? 

Quick ways to open, balance & purify the chakra

  • Dancing

  • Physical activity such as walking or going to the gym - toning up your muscles is key

  • Yoga poses such as the Triangle pose, twisting triangle pose, cow pose, child’s pose, 

  • Meditation  (be sure to download your FREE Sacral Chakra Meditation today!)

So let’s just “Bust a Move”! As little as two songs a day can work wonders…

“Socrates learned to dance when he was seventy because he felt that an essential part of himself had been neglected.”
~ Unknown

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AUTHOR:  Laurie-Elle is an OSYL Higher Self Messenger, Intuitive Energy Healer, Intuitive Guide, Akashic Records Channel & Reiki Master. Her main purpose in this lifetime is to help you hear the whispers, the cues, and yes, even the roar of the Universe. She shares the information that will lead you to more JOY, more ABUNDANCE and to experience a greater sense of PEACE in your life.

Find out more about Laurie and her services HERE.