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Learn about the Solar Plexus Chakr

The Solar Plexus Chakra

The third chakra known as the Solar Plexus or in Sanskrit, Manipura (jeweled city, shining gem), projects your will and drive. It can sometimes show up as the spark that pushes you to reach the next level of something. It can also manifest as the sinking feeling in your gut when you make a “mistake”, tell a lie, or give away your right to choose or decide something for yourself..

The Solar Plexus is the home to your inner fire, your personal power, it represents your alignment with what your inner self knows is for your highest good. It is also where your ego lives.

  • How well do you know yourself?

  • How bad do you want something?

  • Can you discern between standing in your power and giving in to the EGO’s agenda?

The Solar Plexus is a vital source of power for all humans. It’s in this energy center that you will find your get up and go and drive to keep going or depending on the health of this power center, you may be left with little or no incentive to do anything. You can feel on fire with and experience endless energy or be exhausted with digestion problems.

Click here to download your FREE Solar Plexus Chakra Mantra TODAY!

The Solar Plexus is located in the navel area, just above your belly button. To balance and align this central chakra, breathe in and fill this power center with love and light.

When you are in alignment here, you project yourself as radiant and whole. Like the sun. When you have a healthy Solar Plexus Chakra, others may note a sense of nobility about you.

When you are unbalanced here, you may find yourself at one end of extremes.

  • An undernourished Solar Plexus results in a sense of worthlessness and depression.

  • An over-blown Solar Plexus shows up as arrogant, unforgiving, rude, and obnoxious.

Finding balance here is key for those of you who want to experience balance in all your relationships, in how others see you, and how you see others.

There are many ways to balance and nurture your Solar Plexus Chakra including meditation, working with crystals, eating aligned foods, saying positive affirmations, and diving into aromatherapy.

One simple thing you can do to make a BIG difference is to BE DIFFERENT!

What does that mean exactly? It means that you should try something new and BREAK OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE! Change a routine and take a risk.

Choosing to try something new or stop a habit is the perfect way to align your Solar Plexus Chakra.

  • Take a new route to work.

  • Go to a new restaurant.

  • Join a new club or society.

  • Read a new genre of books or listen to a new podcast.

To me, the Solar Plexus is my seat of COURAGE. Sometimes all it takes is for me to choose to SEE something from a NEW perspective…and I feel a shift. Just letting go of a false belief or expectation is courageous enough to get your Solar Plexus headed in the right direction.

The key to a healthy Solar Plexus is knowing how to genuinely express yourself. To not be afraid to Be YOU… the TRUE YOU.

Try to put love first, let go of judgment and fear, and feel the fire of this gorgeous powerful chakra blaze with self-reverence, clear-headedness, forgiveness, understanding, and acceptance of what is.

AUTHOR:  Laurie-Elle is an OSYL Higher Self Messenger, Intuitive Energy Healer, Intuitive Guide, Akashic Records Channel & Reiki Master. Her main purpose in this lifetime is to help you hear the whispers, the cues, and yes, even the roar of the Universe. She shares the information that will lead you to more JOY, more ABUNDANCE and to experience a greater sense of PEACE in your life.

Find out more about Laurie and her services HERE.