
Channels, Spirit Guides, Higher Self & Etheric Cords

Channels, Angels, Spirit Guides, Higher Self, Etheric Cords… OH MY!

What does it mean when people say they are a channel?

I'm sure there are countless explanations for this, but I can only speak about my own experience, from my perspective, and perhaps help others who may be channeling or want to understand it a little better make that connection for themselves.

For me, as a channel, I can "hear" and "see" things that are not physically before my human eyes or actual sounds that most people can hear with their fleshy ears. Somehow, I connect to others through the divine Akasha.

I connect to and see other people's energy. It's sometimes hard to explain exactly what that means because I don't actually see the energy with my human eyes, nor do I see auras, or what some people refer to as the human energy field. Instead, I am a channel, and I see stories, situations, and energetic "problems" for my clients. I see where people are hung up, stuck, stagnant, or have unhealthy connections to people, places, things, and ideas. Sometimes these are real-life stories recounted from a new perspective, or sometimes they are metaphorical in nature but uncannily reflective of what was or is happening in someone's life.

When I work with someone, I make an energetic connection to them. Once I am connected to the person, I am able to "see" them, their stories, their false and limiting beliefs, sometimes their traumas, their childhood relationships, their upbringing, and familial influences. I even see past lives and the energy they perhaps carried in with them into this lifetime, but only if it's that past life energy that is what is causing disruption or suffering in their world now.  

What I also find interesting is that I don't go looking for the "problems," the problems just show up for me… It's like, your Spirit team uses me as a receptor, a liaison, the person who can deliver the messages. 

I call myself a Higher Self Messenger because I hear from the highest version of you, the Angels, and your Spirit team. They share what you are needing to know now in order to move forward from wherever you are stuck.

For example, if you're in a bad relationship and very unhappy, the root cause of the problem will probably be revealed for you during my connection to you. The interesting thing is that 9 out of 10 times, it usually ends up not being what you think. 

I also often see Etheric cords between people and situations. Etheric connections show up in many ways; they can manifest as illness, malaise, and unfinished business, such as the relationships that still haunt you even after a long time has passed. Most always, residual pain or ongoing thought about an event, a person, a situation, or memory that has long since passed, usually indicates that there is an etheric cord or energetic attachment to someone or something that is keeping the situation alive within you. 

Let's take a look a how I see the Higher Self, your Spirit Guides, Angels, and Etheric Cords.


Your Higher Self is you at your very best. It's the part of you closest to Source (you can insert any word that you want here). It's the you who has lived many lives, learning lessons, integrating them, and working on learning, growing, and ascending. It's the perfect reflection of the universe, funneled into a Spirit, which, from lifetime to lifetime, takes form as you - and the many physical faces, bodies, personalities, and beings you have been.


Spirit Guides are amazing, and as I see it, they are always listening for you to ask for their help and guidance. They work through other people, by organizing synchronistic meetings and events, they show up in nature, in the eyes of children, and they even try to communicate to you in your dreams. 

For the most part, your permanent Spirit Guides are not human beings who have passed, at least not in any recent lifetime. I see them as energetic beings who understand humanity but are not attached to the human form. For the most part, they have incarnated, but it was often to accomplish a specific task or to acquire knowledge to then share with other energetic beings, and humans, they look after. From time to time, I do see humans who passed traveling with your Spirit Guides, but it is usually only for a period of time. They usually have a mission to accomplish, something to help you see, learn, or heal from, and once they complete that mission, well, then they have completed some sort of karmic contract or agreement they made with or for the benefit of you.


The Angels are my favorite energies to channel. Their primary purpose is to help humanity evolve and live joyFully. They are guardians, educators, a powerful support team, and the most capable and loving of energy healers I could ever describe.

The one condition Angels have is that YOU must ask for their help. They cannot intervene unless you call upon them because they understand and respect the universal law of free will. Parents can, of course, ask for protection and support for their children, but it is best to teach your children from an early age how they can call upon this unconditional love and support. 


Etheric Cords are quite amazing to behold in a channeled session. Sometimes they are thin threads to keep two people attached to each other for a time; other times, I see them as thick, heavy, and overwhelming connections from one person to another. These connections are often very unhealthy because they are not balanced, and they can represent a feeling or an emotion that was "attached" to a moment in time, or to a way of responding to the world. 

I love what I do because it is so honest and real. I know that might sound far fetched since I'm connecting to your energy when we aren't even in the same room, but truly, it's fascinating how your Higher Self, Angels, and your Spirit Guides truly are just waiting for you to hear them and their messages.  

People ask me about all kinds of things, career, family matters, love, personal development, and more, and the truth is, guidance always comes through for you. You may be shown situations, scenarios, moments in time, or etheric connections that are adding to the situation in question, but oftentimes, the antidote you're seeking will be something you have not already considered. It will be a behavior, relationship, or situation that needs to be adjusted, freed, released, or let go of - and the source of the suffering is most often found within you - not someone else. 

My advice for people who want to connect to their Higher Self, Spirit Team, or the Angels is to talk less and listen more. Make time to get quiet and go within every day, even if it's just 10-15 minutes each morning. Also, keep a journal nearby, so when new ideas and thoughts make their way to you, you are ready to capture the information and begin making small changes in your world.

If you need help hearing the messages that are waiting for you, I can connect for you through my Reflective Resonance Akashic Healing session. I'll listen for you until you can hear for yourself.


AUTHOR:  Laurie-Elle is an OSYL Higher Self Messenger, Intuitive Energy Healer, Intuitive Guide, Akashic Records Channel & Reiki Master. Her main purpose in this lifetime is to help you hear the whispers, the cues, and yes, even the roar of the Universe. She shares the information that will lead you to more JOY, more ABUNDANCE and to experience a greater sense of PEACE in your life.

Find out more about Laurie and her services HERE.