

Learn about the Throat Chakra

Learn about the Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is the fifth chakra, and it is the first of the higher or spiritual chakras. The energetic center of the Throat Chakra lies in the region of the neck and shoulders, including the mouth and ears. Here, the throat is associated with ether and space - a place both empty and pregnant with possibility. According to traditional Yogic wisdom, the Universe was created by the sacred sound of “OM.” Naturally, what we create from this space directly impacts our path and creates our story.

The Purpose: “The way of the Throat Chakra” is to remain in personal integrity and honor with yourself while seeking and sharing the truth.

The Gift: The Throat Chakra offers you the space you need to unapologetically step into who you are made to be. Using the power of your throat, you can speak your truth, and in turn, allow others to speak their truths.

Learn about the Third Eye Chakra

Learn about the Third Eye Chakra

Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra is the sixth chakra. It is the second of the higher or upper chakras corresponding to the middle of the spiritual body. Its center is located frontally just above and between the eyes, at the center of the eyebrows; and at the first cervical vertebrae at the base of the skull in the back of the body.

In Sanskrit, it is called “Ajna,” which means command or monitoring center. In Eastern Yogic traditions, there are ninety-six petals to the center’s wheel - this is a large vibratory jump from the sixteen seen in the Throat chakra. It is also known as the guru chakra as it is the point where the three main nadis or forces, ida, pingala, and sushumna, meet and merge into one stream of consciousness before flowing up to the Crown chakra. In this point of unification, we move beyond the polarities of light and darkness and into the space where we can perceive the infinite.

Learn about the Crown Chakra

Learn about the Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is referred to in Sanskrit as Sahasrara, meaning thousand-fold. Like a fully expanded lotus flower - the Crown Chakra is an expansive energy center - fully open - upward and outward. This powerhouse energy center connects you to universal energy and transcendence.

Why should you care if my chakras are open?

In your natural state, your chakras are balanced, which means that your physical body, your mental body, and your higher self are all in alignment. When your chakras are balanced and aligned, you feel well.

In this place of alignment, you have the opportunity to move into higher states of consciousness and peace. Some who are deeply in tune with their energetic being may experience a surge, otherwise known as “kundalini energy”. This is a very special energy that begins at the base of your spine and travels through your energy centers to your crown. This energy travels bi-directionally - from the bottom up (Mother Earth's energy) and the top-down (Energy from Source).

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