

Learn about the ROOT Chakra

Learn about the ROOT Chakra

The root chakra is also known as the base chakra, first chakra, or in Sanskrit, the Muladhara, which means root support. The root chakra symbols can be seen as four red petals, a downward pointing triangle, Shiva Lingam, a white elephant, and are even represented by the eastern deities named Brahma and Dakini. It appears as the color red and can be thought to represent the color of the Earth’s core which is lava. Red has the longest wavelength and the slowest vibration (lowest frequency). Its sound is O as in hope. We see its strength through some of our strongest land animals; the elephant, the ox, and the bull.

The Boundaries of your Body

The Boundaries of your Body

Yoga can be a transformative practice, and that’s exactly what it is: practice. When we practice bringing our attention to breath, directing our focus inwards, and witnessing where body-mind-spirit connect, we are learning how to come back home to ourselves as whole. In my experience, yoga has helped me become more connected to my body - it is a place where I get to actively participate with my body: telling my body what I want (manifestation) and listening to what my body wants (body talk).  

Ask Yourself - What are the boundaries of my body?