5 Things you Need to Know about Embodiment

5 Ways to be IN YOUR BODY now, and Why It Matters

I spend a LOT of time connecting to other people’s energy. I am a Divine Channel and Energy Healer, therefore, it’s imperative that I am able to detach from what is physically happening around me. This allows me to find myself in the place where I am able to see and retrieve information for my clients, and to witness and be the intermediary for healing and energetic alignment.

However, despite my gift of sight and energy transmission, I am still HUMAN, and in order for me to function in the real world, to be a level headed, high functioning, human being, AKA mom, wife, sister, friend, neighbor, etc., I need to be able to quickly RETURN TO MYSELF when I am done with a session. 

This has not always been easy for me, and in truth, I am still working through it. 

For so many years, I didn’t understand my ability to “connect” to other people’s energy. I had no idea that all the “noise in my head,” was really my ability to receive divinely channeled guidance. Instead, I tried to ignore it, and I often felt spacey, disconnected, and like I did not “fit in.” 

I would compensate for these hard to describe emotions through many behaviors - overeating, being too busy, people-pleasing, daydreaming, and frankly, living in my head instead of being grounded in my body. 

Why does this matter, and how did it impact me? 

As a result of my “detachment” from my physical self, I ended up creating a lot of bad habits, including overeating, overthinking, overdoing, and overachieving, all of which have hurt my well-being.

Fast forward to now. Twelve years into my spiritual awakening, countless years of reading, learning, and surrendering layers of “what was,” BEING IN MY BODY is finally on my “to-do list.” I have become abundantly aware of how often I want to “escape myself,” avoiding the sensations that are happening IN my physical body. Knowing that when I acknowledge them, I also need to acknowledge everything behind them...the feelings, the emotions, and the stories I’ve created and attached to these feelings and emotions. 

  • When I am IN MY BODY, I connect to my internal GPS, my intuitive nature.

  • When I am IN MY BODY, I am able to HEAR what my intuitive physical self is trying to tell me.

  • When I am IN MY BODY, I am a BETTER Divine Channel and Energy Healer, because I am more in tune with my truth, my wholeness.

  • When I am IN MY BODY, I am actually a better everything, mom, wife, sister, friend, neighbor, etc.

5 practices I use to get back IN TO MY BODY

Walking Barefoot in the Grass

Walk barefoot in grass, grounding

Meeting mother nature foot to earth is a beautiful thing. When you walk barefoot in the grass, dirt, or sand, you make both a physical and energetic connection to the earth. When you do this, set the intention, I want to be grounded, I want to BE IN MY BODY. I want to feel centered. I want to feel strong. Then let mother nature and gravity take care of the rest. Even just five minutes can help you return to yourself. 


Yoga, child’s pose, grounding, getting in to your body

For me, yoga is a perfect way to get into my body. It doesn’t matter if you are in shape or not, anyone can do some level of yoga; you just need to find the right class/studio/in-home option for you.

When you have a loving, patient instructor, one who meets you where you are, and pushes you a little bit to your edge, you will find yourself returning to your body.

You become your body; you feel the muscles, the stretching, and the expansion. Yoga is a beautiful thing, and I highly recommend that you seek out a way to incorporate it into your world.

Stating the Affirmation - I AM GROUNDED

If you are in a crowded place such as school, work, or the airport, walking barefoot in the park or breaking out in a yoga pose may not be possible. However, focusing your intention of being grounded is. From a seated position, simply place your hands on your knees, and close your eyes. Then state the affirmation, in a commanding inner voice, I AM GROUNDED, I am FULLY PRESENT, IN MY BODY...NOW. Set that intention and believe it. Watch how your body and energy responds.

Tree, Be a tree, grounding, tree roots, root chakra

Imagine You Are a Tree

Another option for restricted spaces is to become a tree and get grounded. Simply stand tall, feet firmly planted on the ground, and imagine roots growing out of your feet, deep into the earth’s crust. Visualize the roots growing, twisting, and “rooting” themselves deep into mother earth, and again, set the intention that you want want to feel centered and that you want to feel strong. 

Balance Lower Three Chakras

Chakras, balance chakras, root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra

Chakras are the subtle energy centers that flow within us. Without going into too much detail, just know that balancing and aligning your lower three chakras is hugely important if you want to feel IN YOUR BODY.

The three lower Chakras, known as the ROOT, SACRAL, and SOLAR PLEXUS, all significantly impact our groundedness, centeredness, and alignment with our physical self and our earthly relationships.

You can learn how to balance your own chakras by reading a book, taking a course, or working with an energy healer. Reiki is a very common way that practitioners use to help clients balance and ground these energy centers.

Whichever method you choose, just know that BEING IN YOUR BODY is a critical state of being. In this state, you can feel calm, centered, and rational when you are challenged or faced with stressful life situations.

It is also vital for energy workers and holistic practitioners to be grounded when they work with other people’s energy. We truly can't be at our best when we are unbalanced and out of our body.

It is not important which way you choose to get grounded. What is important is that you set the intention to find your way back to your body, and then align with whatever method feels best for you.

If you have other simple ways to get back IN TO YOUR BODY that I missed, please share them in the comments below.