5 Things About Energy Meridians

5 Things About Energy Meridians, acupuncture, eastern medicine, holistic healing

Everything is composed of energy.

EVERYTHING… Even science, through quantum physics, now proves that.

Western medicine has traditionally focused on the physical body, but in recent years, we've seen increased awareness, scientific investigation, and treatment of the emotional and spiritual bodies as they relate to physical pain, illness, and disease. Eastern medicine, on the other hand, especially Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), has long addressed health, wellness, and disease by looking at the whole human, both the physical and energetic systems of the body, including the chakras and the meridian system.

You may already know that many modalities in holistic healing deal with moving energy, clearing blocked energy, and sending healing energy. You may already be familiar with the Chakra system, and with Yoga, Reiki, and other energy healing modalities, like acupuncture, where practitioners work with your energies to help to align your chakras, with the intention that an energy attunement will lead to improved health and happiness!

5 Things You Need to Know About Meridians:

Meridians Are Not Exclusive to Chinese Medicine

The concept of meridians, or energy pathways throughout the body, is not exclusive to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Other Eastern medical physicians have worked with vessels or channels, Thai massage works with “sen” lines, and Yoga & Ayurvedic medicine refer to “nadis.” TCM utilizes food/nutrition, herbal medicine, acupuncture, Tui na massage, and Qigong to stimulate and unblock these pathways.

Meridians Are Invisible Energy Pathways

Meridians are invisible energy pathways (an energy highway) through which QI or CHI (vital energy, life force energy - prana, kundalini, mana) flows throughout the body.

meridians, invisible energy pathways, rivers of energy, acupuncture, traditional chinese medicine

Marisa Fanelli, a local acupuncturist & hypnotherapist, likes to think of the meridians as “rivers of energy that flow smoothly through the body when we are in a healthy state. When these meridians get stuck, the energy doesn’t flow. This can lead to physical issues (pain, tightness), as well as emotional (frustration, irritation).”

They are mapped out in the body and used extensively for acupuncture and acupressure. However, they are not physical and are not identifiable by any visible means - they do not show up in x-rays, MRI, ultrasound or even in an autopsy.

12 Principle Meridians

There are 12 main, standard or principle meridians - running as 6 Yin/Yang pairs down the arms and legs, mirroring on either side of the body - that correspond to organs within the body. Organs with no empty cavity (heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys) are YIN organs, and ones with hollow cavities (stomach, bladder, gallbladder, large and small intestine) are YANG organs. As you can see, balance is key in your energy system.

We will have to get into the names, locations and functions of each one in a more indepth discussion.

8 Extraordinary Meridians

In addition to the 12 main meridians, there are 8 extraordinary meridians which are not associated with organs, but are considered vessels or channels. They are believed to store QI for the body. Two of these are the conception vessel or functional channel (REN meridian), running down the front of the body, and the governing vessel or channel (DU meridian), running down the back of the body. Since they have acupuncture points, these two are sometimes considered part of the main meridian system. It is along these two meridians that our major chakras are located.

Emotions, Elements, Cycles, OH MY

Each meridian is related to certain emotions. By knowing which emotions you are struggling with can help identify which meridian may be blocked or need balancing. And there are many, many ways, including acupuncture, to address the movement of energy and blocks.

Each meridian is also associated with one of the 5 elements: earth, fire, metal, wood, water. There are 2 meridians for each element with FIRE having 4 meridians.

They are also each more active at certain times of the day/night, the QI in each one flowing according to a sort of circadian cycle. You may have seen this in theories that if you wake at a certain time of night, there are issues with your lungs, etc.

These are obviously quick hits of info… stay tuned as we further develop the topics and share more indepth information in upcoming posts. In the meantime, you may want to give acupuncture a try. It can be so relaxing and therapeutic.