
I Went Alone To the Woods... and everything changed

I went alone to the woods, and everything changed.

Well, when I say that everything changed, I mean everything about my inner perspective changed. My outer life, for all intents and purposes, is still mostly the same...so far. But my heart, well, it’s clearer, beating stronger, and feeling lighter than it has in a very long time.

Perhaps you’re wondering what happened there in the woods? Over the next couple of weeks, I’d love to tell you the whole story. But today, I’ll start with a little about why I went to the woods in the first place.

The place I escaped to is a beautiful retreat property called Nurture Through Nature up in Denmark, ME. The facility is owned and run by the lovely and talented Jen Deraspe. I found NTN retreats somewhat by accident. I was actually just looking for a coach, but man did I ever get so much more than a coach.

You see, for the past 5 months or so, I’ve been reading about “the work” by Byron Katie. I’ve spent about 12 years diving deep and working on myself, addressing my childhood wounds, ironing out my inner landscape, and seeking to align my energy with all that is for my highest and best good. Sounds poetic almost, right? Well, it’s not. In fact, it’s been downright messy, painful, and mostly ugly. But if given the choice to stay as I was or find a new way...well, I’d do it all again, maybe a little faster and hopefully I’d be a little less thick-headed, but yes, I’d do it all again.

So, I found the work at a time when I was wondering...how? I understand about “letting go,” I know all about my ego and how I am NOT my thoughts, but I was really struggling with the HOW, and for me, “the work” is a pathway to the freedom I’ve been seeking.

into the woods, my cabin

In late August, I took the leap of faith, and I booked my 3-night, 1:1 coaching experience at the retreat center. I got to choose which accommodation I wanted, and I of course picked the cabin closest to civilization. None of them had running water, so that means no bathroom, but at least this one was next to the Healing Arts Center. I figured, “Hey, I’d rather be close to other humans…just in case I met up with any lions, and tigers, or bears - oh my!.” I was so excited! My family and friends were wondering why I was going to a cabin in the woods by myself. Like, did I read the part about leaving my computer and phone behind? I think they thought I was a little crazy, I mean, more than usual. I didn’t care though. The woods were calling me, and I was ready to answer.

I’m not gonna lie. Leading up to my trip, I started to get scared. Seriously. I was afraid of the woods!! Where did the powerful young woman I once was go?!? I mean, I lived in Spain with a family I didn’t even know straight out of high school; for a whole summer! I barely spoke the language back then, and I wasn’t afraid! I studied abroad in college and loved every minute of it, or at least I got over the homesickness quickly. I moved to Memphis for graduate school when I was just 22, and then worked in Mexico City, alone, for 8 months during my master’s internship program. I mean Mexico City, right!? The second-largest city in the world and I was (mostly) unafraid. So now, here I am, a grown woman, with five children. What was wrong with me?! I used to travel all the time when I was younger, and suddenly, I was afraid to be alone in Maine.

What happened to me? Where did I go? When did my world get so small?

I didn’t quit, though. When the time came, I left my laptop behind, I got in my car, and headed north. I showed up for me. I was on a mission to find my courage again and get back into alignment with my truth.

Yes, I might have been a little scared, but I was ready.

meditation walk, nature, hiking

I survived my first day and night quite well. When I first arrived, I went on a hike all by myself, without even so much as a small weapon to protect myself. Nope, I just called in my Angels and all my benevolent Guides and asked for their protection and inspiration. I felt them. I knew I was safe, and that is when I started to loosen up and let my truth emerge. I was scared a few times when I couldn’t find the next marking in the trees around me, but after a few breaths and some scanning, I always found it. I found my way.

Nurture Through Nature, Denmark, MAINE, meditation, nature

The best part was when I found an amazing little meditation place along a rocky brook that I wish I could replicate here in my yard. I really fell in love with this little slice of nature, and the metamorphosis I experienced on this mini journey has forever changed me, or rather, has helped me get back to me, the true person I really am.

In the next blog post, I’ll tell you all about my extraordinary canoe coaching experience. The water, the foliage, the humongous eagle that flew over my head...talk about miraculous, incredible and breathtaking...wow.

For now, if you have any questions or you’ve had a similar experience somewhere in nature, comment below and tell me about it! I really want to know!


AUTHOR:  Laurie-Elle is an OSYL Higher Self Messenger, Intuitive Energy Healer, Intuitive Guide, Akashic Records Channel & Reiki Master. Her main purpose in this lifetime is to help you hear the whispers, the cues, and yes, even the roar of the Universe. She shares the information that will lead you to more JOY, more ABUNDANCE and to experience a greater sense of PEACE in your life.

Find out more about Laurie and her services HERE.