

The Universe is Calling - Are You Listening?

The Universe is Calling - Are You Listening?

One day, during a very somber time in my life, I came across a book that changed me forever. Once I read this book, everything I thought I knew about the world, and my relationships changed. In fact, the Universe knew I needed an adjustment, so to get my attention, it conveniently hit me over the head with the answers. How you might ask? Well…

Full Moon Invocation & Visualization

Full Moon Invocation & Visualization

Full moons, new moons, blue moons, blood moons, wolf moon, worm moon, snow moon, pink moon, harvest moons, flower moon, haunted moons, moon river... oh my! What do we need to do and when to get the most benefit of their powerful energies?

Do not Disturb - Meditating!

Do not Disturb - Meditating!

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is peace. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? 

When you think of peace, do you picture yourself alone on a mountaintop with the wind blowing through your hair? Or perhaps lying on a beach somewhere breathing in and out to the beat of the ocean waves?  Find out how to quiet your mind and download this FREE Grounding Meditation.

Clearing Crystals

Clearing Crystals

The actual process of clearing crystals is pretty simple, but there are a lot of different ways to do it. Depending on preference, type of crystal, and situation, different techniques for clearing are warranted. A common, and admittedly my go-to, is using sage to clear a crystal. This technique is also known as smudging. Clearing your crystals with sage is super easy…

I found freedom in the woods...

I found freedom in the woods...

As I walked up the stairs to enter the healing space, I was a little unsure about what I was about to experience. I felt resistance in me...why? I know enough to know that when I feel resistance, it means that my internal sonar is sounding off. That sonar is like an alarm, warning me that I need to look more deeply at what is happening, or about to 'go down.'

5 Tantric Gateways to Embodiment

5 Tantric Gateways to Embodiment

The 5 tantric gateways to embodiment that I share with you allow you to feel your body, become aware of your body, and become really present with the NOW instead of focusing on the past or the future. The video and instructions will guide you through the practice itself, which you can use at any given moment, anywhere you might be, and whenever needed.

What is Embodiment?

What is Embodiment?

Embodiment isn't an easy path or something that comes naturally for many of us. Sometimes, and more often than not, it takes years to undo the conditioning and programming that we have grown up in... The impact of true embodiment, during this time, is important because it allows us to feel inside of ourselves. To have gnosis (an inner knowing - or - intuitive spiritual knowledge that comes from knowing your 'self') of what is true and what is false for us. It opens up our perceptions.

Three Powerful Practices To Experience More Joy

Three Powerful Practices To Experience More Joy

As our connections have gotten faster with the internet, cellphones, airplanes… well, you get the picture, so have our minds and our nervous systems. We are living on overdrive. All of these things are wonderful, but they have disconnected us from our bodies, our emotions, Mother Earth, and the present moment. So in this fast-paced world that we live in, how do we find ways to destress and reconnect? Here are three ways that you can bring more life back into your body and even start living more joyfully.