
What are Chakras?

What are Chakras?

Taking time to understand and align this vital energy system will help you to become in tune with your body, your emotions, and how YOUR ENERGY is creating and adding to your present environment and life circumstances. Understanding the flow of your energy will help you to see life through a new lens; to see possibilities you perhaps hadn’t before.

Tuning in to your Chakras will help you to become more empathetic and understanding of others as well.

Most importantly, understanding your Chakras and noticing when they are out of alignment can show you how to navigate moments in time that in the past you were unable to do so.

If you want to know more about the Chakra system, I'll be sharing a tidbit or two about each center in the coming weeks.

How to Set Sacred Intentions

How to Set Sacred Intentions

Turning your desires into soul-filled Sacred intentions and allowing the Universe take it from there...

Before I came to understand that I am the co-creator of my life experiences, I experienced despair, fear or discontentment. I came to understand that, although my heartfelt intentions for relief from suffering were real, I was unknowingly adding to my problems instead of helping alleviate them. I was missing key knowledge that would ultimately set me free from sorrow and on a path of joy. I learned about what I like to call the power of setting Sacred Intentions. Creating Sacred Intentions consists of three simple, yet life-changing, steps that I now use to aid me as I navigate my life…

What is the Dark Night of the Soul?

What is the Dark Night of the Soul?

What is a “Dark Night of the Soul”?

People talk about this phenomenon all the time, but what does it really mean, and how do you know you are experiencing it?

I believe everyone experiences their “Dark Night (or month) of the Soul” differently, but the outcome is most often the same; a deep sense of clarity and a pervasive truth that you can’t ever forget. The “Dark Night” brings about a new way of seeing your life that you simply could not have seen before it happened.

Practicing Hoʻoponopono

Practicing Hoʻoponopono

Have you ever heard of Hoʻoponopono? According to Wikipedia, Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. Ancient Hawaiian lore tells us that Ho’oponopono is a traditional practice used to heal oneself through atoning for the wrongs you committed. “Forgiveness was sought from the gods or from the person with whom there was a dispute.”

When you look up the term Ho’oponopono you’ll see many references to a man named Dr. Len. He is a master teacher of the ancient Hawaiian practice. It’s told that he cured an entire hospital of criminally insane inmates by practicing Ho’oponopono over a four year period. He healed them using a technique called Self IDentity Through Ho’oponopono (SITH). It’s a pretty remarkable story.

Answering Life's Biggest Questions...

Answering Life's Biggest Questions...

In my latest connection to my Soul’s Voice, I saw a woman standing on a beach with the vast ocean in front of her.

I watched her as she contemplated life.

She questions her existence and wonders what the real purpose of life is.

  • Why are we here?

  • Why do we experience what we experience?

  • Why do we want what we want?

  • Why do we learn the lessons we learn?

  • Why do we have such a hard time being still, in the moment, and okay with what is?

  • Why do we always want more?

What is Mercury Retrograde?

What is Mercury Retrograde?

Our need to slow down and rest a bit is similar to a planet’s retrograde passage. Just around the corner in early March, Mercury will turn retrograde for the first time this year. In fact, every calendar year, Mercury turns retrograde two to three times, for weeks each cycle.  Some of us are aware of when this will occur and actually prepare for it as much as possible; others caught up in the midst of this activity wonder why their calls aren’t being returned, their tech devices are going haywire, their packages are delayed. Here’s the deal: except for the Sun and Moon, all planets turn retrograde. Why…. and what do you need to know about it?

Do not Disturb - Meditating!

Do not Disturb - Meditating!

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is peace. Doesn’t that sound wonderful? 

When you think of peace, do you picture yourself alone on a mountaintop with the wind blowing through your hair? Or perhaps lying on a beach somewhere breathing in and out to the beat of the ocean waves?  Find out how to quiet your mind and download this FREE Grounding Meditation.