
Outdoor Sauna - Scared, dark, and alone in the woods

Thank you for continuing on this journey with me... if you missed the beginning of the journey, they are linked below...

The Outdoor Sauna

It was the final night alone in the woods, and I had an appointment at the outdoor sauna. I had no idea what to expect, except that I had a private appointment in this beautiful outdoor wooden structure.

When I arrived, it was starting to get dark. I was greeted by two women who walked me through the process of taking care of the sauna... This was not exactly what I had expected.

I didn't realize I was going to be completely alone!
The only sauna I've ever been in before this was one inside a fitness facility, so this was something entirely new.

outdoor sauna, tapestry

The inside of this wooden structure was simple and beautiful. It was heated by a roaring wood stove and some super hot coals. I had to help keep the fire going and keep the steam moving by adding a special blend of water and essential oils to the coals.

Even that task was a little daunting to me.
Everything was so hot and so dark.

This was the first time in a long time that I was in charge of any kind of fire and there were also little solar lights and flickering oil candles that I had to keep my eye on.

I'm not going to lie. I was afraid.

I can't tell you exactly why I was afraid; I was just so far out of my comfort zone that I was scared.

It was getting dark out, and this added to my anxiety. So instead of relaxing in the hottest room I'd ever been in, I did a lot of soul searching.

What was I afraid of, and why?
When did I lose confidence in my ability to care for myself? To light a damn fire? To put out a candle when I left the premises? Of being alone in the dark?
It was mind-boggling to me that I was filled with so much fear.

Well, you'll be happy to know that I made it out alive. Not only did I tend to the roaring fire, and make sure there was plenty of wood for whoever came after me, but I extinguished all the lights, the candles and made sure to close the door before I left.

I even walked alone back to my cottage in the darkness of the woods.

I was proud of myself. I'm not actually sure I would have had the courage to make the trek back through the woods in the dark if it hadn't been for what happened to me earlier that day at campsite number 1. I'll fill you in on that magic moment at campsite number 1 in the next blog.


AUTHOR:  Laurie-Elle is an OSYL Higher Self Messenger, Intuitive Energy Healer, Intuitive Guide, Akashic Records Channel & Reiki Master. Her main purpose in this lifetime is to help you hear the whispers, the cues, and yes, even the roar of the Universe. She shares the information that will lead you to more JOY, more ABUNDANCE and to experience a greater sense of PEACE in your life.

Find out more about Laurie and her services HERE.