
Why Am I Telling You This Story?

Thank you for continuing on this journey with me... if you missed the beginning of the journey, they are linked below...

Why I am Telling You This Story

I was guided to share my experiences from my time in the woods with you for so many reasons, but mainly so you can find REFLECTIONS of YOURSELF between the lines of my experiences…

  • How have you let YOUR life get too small?

  • What are you being called to look at, reassess, and release?

  • When did you become afraid of the dark (aka “the unknown”)?

After this final story about my trip, I think you’ll come to see the Universal messages in all of this, but I don’t want to spoil the punch line. I’ll let you interpret the messages for yourself. 

Here we go...

After my canoe ride, my homework for the rest of the afternoon was to find my ‘sacred space’ and spend some time there. I was told to reflect on my experiences and allow for whatever feelings, emotions, and internal feedback to come through for me. That seemed pretty easy a task for me. 

As I set out to find my sacred space, I was told to return to a spot that had previously caught my eye. I remember walking by Tent Site #1 the day before. There was something special about that place, but for some reason, I resisted heading there. I actually walked by it and headed for the creek. 

But, low and behold, the Universe had already set its intention for me. The place I THOUGHT I was supposed to go to was now inhabited by some new guests who had a dog with them. That dog was barking up a storm when it saw me, so I figured out real fast, “this is NOT the place I am meant to reflect and connect.” So I kept going and checked out a few more spots, but eventually, I was drawn back to Tent Site #1. 

I arrive, got comfy, and for a while, I just sat and enjoyed the sunlight that was breaking through the trees. There are a LOT of trees on the Nurture through Nature property, and this was one of the places where I felt the sun could really make its way through to the ground.

As I settled in, I made the decision. I was ready for my Spirit Guides to talk to me, to help me make sense of everything I felt, encountered, and resolved that week. In case you don’t know what I do for Our Sight Your Light, I’ll tell you. I am a channel.

That means, I connect, for myself and others at an energetic frequency where I can “hear” and “see” messages from Spirit. Sometimes I connect to Spirit Guides, your Higher Self, Angels, and even past loved ones. I never know who is going to show up, or why, but when they do, the messages are always purposeful and exactly what you are needing to know at this moment in time, to move you closer to where you need to go.

I also channel energy healing during my connections. I am always the liaison, the intermediary, the medium. I watch and report each moment, each encounter, and each healing session with awe and gratitude. 

I am no exception to that rule. I don’t always know why I channel what I do. I don’t always know what the messages mean or why I need to know what I am receiving in that moment, but what I do know is that each and every message I hear and see is purposeful, and when the time is right, I will understand, and so will my clients. 

I recorded what I channeled sitting in that magical energy of Camp Site number 1 for all to hear (see video below). Although this session was specifically speaking to me, I hope that you hear the messages that are meant for all of us.

  • All of life is perspective. Give yourself the gift to see through the eyes of love, and everything changes.

  • When we let FEAR cloud our vision and make our worlds SO SMALL, we forget the vast wonder and potential that lay before us.

  • Stay on the path of self-discovery, even when it's challenging; it takes a lot of “elbow grease” to clear out years of “darkness” and to allow the light of Source back into our life.

  • Moving beyond our conditioning and seeing it for what it really is, false and limiting, IS the way back to Joy, Peace, and Harmony.

After I had this amazing and freeing experience at Tent Site #1, I later learned that it is the future home of a Holistic Healing Yurt that will be dedicated to the healing arts and energy work ...There simply are NO coincidences in my world.

Coming soon - I can’t wait to share a new vision with you all. It is a message I’ve waited to share for most of my life, and it is for any person who has ever felt not good enough, judged, criticized, and isolated because of a perspective and or belief.

Thank you for allowing me to share this journey with you.


AUTHOR:  Laurie-Elle is an OSYL Higher Self Messenger, Intuitive Energy Healer, Intuitive Guide, Akashic Records Channel & Reiki Master. Her main purpose in this lifetime is to help you hear the whispers, the cues, and yes, even the roar of the Universe. She shares the information that will lead you to more JOY, more ABUNDANCE and to experience a greater sense of PEACE in your life.

Find out more about Laurie and her services HERE.