

Healing our Matriarchal Lines: The Mother Wound

Healing our Matriarchal Lines: The Mother Wound

‘The Mother Wound’ - the pain of being a woman, which is passed down through generations of women living in Patriarchal cultures. Though it has been coined the mother wound, this should not imply that it is our mother’s fault. The wound was the result of survival mechanisms required to live in the patriarchal culture. Do you recognize any of the common coping mechanisms?

"Elderly" Mom? - A Lesson in Gratitude

"Elderly" Mom? - A Lesson in Gratitude

I’ll never forget reading the header on my pregnancy blood work report - “Elderly Multigravida.” Elderly? That’s ludicrous. I laugh now as I recall this, but remember thinking to myself, “If I’m so elderly, how did I get pregnant?” What I did not know at the time, was how many gifts being an "elderly" mom would bring me...