

I am a Wayshower.

I am a Wayshower.

The vision fades and my Spirit Guides remind me of my “Job”. I'm here to light the way. Period. How you, the reader, decide to practice in this lifetime is entirely up to you - the message, the modality, the words, the symbols, and the tools that you choose are not of my concern.

This is YOUR ship to drive. Just stay in the light, and you too will find your way.

And me? Once again I am reminded why I don’t quit. Why I don’t just throw in the towel and choose an easier more single-focused way.

I know my job. Just keep the light on Laurie. Burn Bright. Don’t Dim your light, no matter what. Don’t shroud your light out of fear of being judged, singled out, told that you are TOO MUCH or NOT ENOUGH. No, none of that matters. Just keep the light burning brightly so others will find their way to the path.

What does it mean to "Live your Best Life"?

What does it mean to "Live your Best Life"?

Living a better life does NOT have to be hard or arduous. It doesn’t have to take years as it did for me, and you definitely don’t have to go live in a cave and have some out of body experience to finally find happiness. In fact, all you need to do to start is two things…

Returning to love, again...

Returning to love, again...

Oftentimes, what keeps us from breaking out into the world is our fear and false and limiting beliefs. I know that firsthand because I struggled with this for years, and I finally realized who I am as a spiritual practitioner and how I can be help people, but it wasn't always clear for me. I moved through many different iterations of my own spiritual path awakening. I've worked with more teachers than I can count on my hands and toes. And I've worked on myself, breaking down each wounded part of me into tiny little pieces. I've analyzed them. I've spent time and money healing. I've lingered long, and languished in suffering. I've repeated patterns over and over again, just to make sure I'm “really clear or really healed”. I've been on top of the mountain and I've been buried under piles of dirt, again and again, each time learning something new, remembering my truths, then forgetting it again, feeling painful memories, thoughts of dejection, rejection, and failure, but also feeling incredibly powerful and purposeful - having a strong vision to give back to humanity in a huge way.

The Spiritual Lessons in Disney's Frozen

The Spiritual Lessons in Disney's Frozen

Have you seen the Disney movie Frozen? If not, I highly recommend it. It’s filled with music, a cute storyline,  a little hidden adult humor, and a happily ever after story of true love. However, after having watched it 25 times now with my three-year-old daughter, I’ve come to see the deeper messages of the movie, from a spiritual perspective. It’s actually quite insightful!

Are you Living your Best Life?

Are you Living your Best Life?

Living a better life does NOT have to be hard or arduous. It doesn’t have to take years as it did for me, and you definitely don’t have to go live in a cave and have some out of body experience to finally find happiness. In fact, all you need to do to start is two things…

Perception is Powerful - Shifting it is Divine

Perception is Powerful - Shifting it is Divine

Have you ever been in a dilemma or crisis, and just as you were thinking there was no way out or around the problem, something shifted for you? An idea popped into your head, and you suddenly came up with a solution, or at the very least, a possible new direction you could move in? The shift you experienced was most likely in your perception. Suddenly you were able to see something or someone in a new light or a new way…

Freedom - Moving Beyond Addictive Behaviors

Freedom - Moving Beyond Addictive Behaviors

Do you ever wonder...Why? Why am I going through this again? I thought I already experienced this situation, feeling, emotion, argument, life lesson. Why can’t I be FREE from whatever cycle I am caught up in?? I recently had a moment of clarity about one of my own life cycles that has been “on repeat” for as long as I can remember...

"Elderly" Mom? - A Lesson in Gratitude

"Elderly" Mom? - A Lesson in Gratitude

I’ll never forget reading the header on my pregnancy blood work report - “Elderly Multigravida.” Elderly? That’s ludicrous. I laugh now as I recall this, but remember thinking to myself, “If I’m so elderly, how did I get pregnant?” What I did not know at the time, was how many gifts being an "elderly" mom would bring me...