

Energy of Abundance

Energy of Abundance

What is Abundance? It is the profusion of plenty in your life, e.g. plenty of money, plenty of love, plenty of friends; BUT it can also mean plenty of scarcity, plenty of bad luck, plenty of struggle. What simple steps can you take right now to change your energy around abundance to attract more of the good stuff into your life?

"Elderly" Mom? - A Lesson in Gratitude

"Elderly" Mom? - A Lesson in Gratitude

I’ll never forget reading the header on my pregnancy blood work report - “Elderly Multigravida.” Elderly? That’s ludicrous. I laugh now as I recall this, but remember thinking to myself, “If I’m so elderly, how did I get pregnant?” What I did not know at the time, was how many gifts being an "elderly" mom would bring me...